Jesus is alive and lives forever more. He is risen and is resurrected from the dead.
The is the foundational claim of Christianity. Yes Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. He's alive. And this is what this day, Resurrection Day or Easter, is all about.
Easter celebration is not only about Chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies but as Christians, Easter is the celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead.
Click on the Bible Passage in Green to read the Scriptures.
Event #1 – The Resurrection
The two Marys received the first information about the resurrection of Jesus from the angel in the tomb. But that was hearsay. They were told this by the angel. They didn't see the Lord alive.
Matthew 28:1-8
Mark 16:2-8
Luke 24:1-8
John 20:1-10
1. The First Witnesses to Jesus’ Resurrection
Matthew 28: 9-10
Luke 24:9-11
Jesus appeared before the women while they were on their way to Galilee to tell the Apostles what the angel had told them. With this appearance of Jesus, they are the first eye witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
2. Jesus appeared before the two men on the way to Emmaus
Mark 16:12-13
Luke 24:13-32
That afternoon, two men who were on their way to Emmaus were confused about the story they heard from the women that Jesus was alive. If the tomb was empty as reported by the women, then where Christ was.
While they were deep in thought and discussion, Jesus spoke to them, and they became the second eye witnesses that Jesus was alive.
3. Jesus had also appeared before Simon
Luke 24:33-35
4. Jesus appeared before 11 of His disciples except Thomas.
Mark 16:14
Luke 24:36-43
John 20:19-23
Event #2 – The Next 40 Days
1. Jesus appeared to His disciples in Jerusalem. Thomas was convinced.
John 20:24-31
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”. Jesus had said that He would rise again but yet Thomas cannot believe that Jesus would not go back on His Word. But Jesus is compassionate enough to appear before Thomas so that he can believe.
When Jesus gives us a promise in His Word, let us not restrict our Christian experience by doubting Him. If His Word says He will do, then take is as God’s Word and just believe by faith.
2. Jesus appeared to seven disciples at the Sea of Galilee.
John 21:1-24
3. Jesus gives instructions to the Apostles and 500 others on the mountain in Galilee.
Matthew 28:16-20
Mark 16:15-18
4. Jesus gives His final instructions to the Apostles.
1. Jesus instructs Peter to, "Feed my lambs...Take care of my sheep...Feed my sheep..."
John 21:15-19
2. The Great Commission. "go and make disciples of all nations..."
Matthew 28:16-20
Mark 16:15-18
Luke 24:45-49
Event #3 – The Ascension
Mark 16:19
Luke 24:50-53
Knowing that Jesus is alive, let us remember Psalm 136 :1, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever”.
Are you going through hard times?
Face it with Christ’s strength and give thanks to God for He is good. Hard times struggled in Jesus’ name will bring victories eventually and in the process we become stronger people because we have wrestled with the problems with endurance and thankfulness.
Are you facing sorrow?
Look to Jesus for comfort. Through your tears, give thanks to God for He is good for in your sorrow, your spiritual life grows and matures as you have gone through the difficult time with patience and thankfulness.
Are you enjoying the gift of life God has given?
Then give thanks for He is good. We can easily get accustomed to living and take the gift of life that God has given for granted. Take time everyday to thank God for the privilege of living and being alive.
So, this Easter, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2 NIV).
Hallelujah! He is Alive! He is Risen! Death could not hold Him down! And we give Thanks to God for being alive in Him.