This is a major Revival which happened in Bario, Sarawak which we believe should be told and retold so that what God has done in Malaysia will never be forgotten for generations to come. In fact, it is our prayer that God will revisit us and send us a fresh Revival. As an introduction to the Bario Revival, we found this article which gives a very comprehensive in depth information. Please click on the Title to read the full article. It is worth your time.
I hope this short report may inspire your faith and praise for our magnificent Redeemer.
Malaysia is divided into two sections: the west occupies part of the peninsula at the south eastern tip of Asia and the eastern section is part of the island of Borneo. Ethnic groups include the Malays, Chinese and Indians.
Among the aboriginal tribes there are the famous ex-head hunters. One of their customs was that, when a youth reached maturity, he should bring back the head of an inhabitant of a neighbouring village. This continued until missionaries took the Good News of the gospel and there were great changes among them.
The people in Borneo were more open to the Spirit than in the western section of Malaysia. Some of the aboriginal tribes of the island had known several revivals accompanied by miracles and signs. The first of these moves took place in the forties.
The Lung Bawang tribe of Borneo was looked down upon by the others. They lived practically drunk, under the influence of alcohol, one hundred days in the year. A book called «Drunk Before Dawn» tells how God intervened in their lives. They were so degraded that, after head hunting was forbidden, they gave themselves over to drinking. A government report said that only the dogs remained sober. Because of there behavior, they became subject to plagues and pests. God intervened when they faced extinction. Christianity brought tremendous changes, today they are the tribe with the highest percentage of professionals.
In the year 1973 another sovereign move of God began in a high school among a group of young people in a place called Bario. This group used to get together at night to pray for hours after class. They were inspired by the book «Like a Mighty Wind» and believed God could sovereignly move among them also. They prayed: "God, if you did it in Indonesia, you can also do it here."
When the answer came from heaven, they were overwhelmed by deep repentance accompanied by crying. Conviction was such that even small things appeared great in their eyes. Impoliteness or arriving late to class was seen as something terrible in the eyes of God. At first the teachers were very put out. The students spent all night praying when they would soon be having their final exams. The Spirit of God began convicting the teachers till they also started to cry out to God. Revival began with a group of 20 or 30 people, but it became so large that it can be read about in government archives.
(To read the full article Click Here : Malaysian Revivals)
This is a recording on the introduction to the first hand witnesses to the Bario Revival.
This is the testimony of Pastor Solomon Bulan, a first hand witness and the teacher then, responsible for the start of the Bario Revival
This is the testimony of Dato' Sri Idris Jala, a first hand witness and a student then, who was present at the start of the Bario Revival
This is the testimony of Osart Jallong, together with Dato' Sri Idris Jala, who were students then, share their personal experiences regarding the Bario Revival
More testimonies on the supernatural signs & wonders of the Bario Revival
More testimonies on the supernatural signs & wonders of the Bario Revival
Dato' Sri Idris Jala shared on what happened to him after the Bario Revival.
Pastor Solomon's concluding exhortation
This is a book documenting the events that happened in Bario, Sarawak.
The Bario Revival written by Solomon Bulan & Lillian Bulan-Dorai.

Do you know where in Malaysia, Singapore or Indonesia can I get these book "Bario REvival" & "Drunk before Dawn"?
Thank you.
I think you can get the book "Bario Revival" from Sis. Lillian Bulan-Dorai at FGA KL, tel: 603-79814755. She is a co-author of the book and serves at FGA KL with her husband Pastor Dorai.
Ps.Lilian said the new edition will comes out this coming september:)
According to Ps.Lilian, the new edition will comes out by September.
"The Bario Revival" book is available in bookstores like Canaanland, SUFES and Burning Bush in KL, and in Life Centre Bookstore, and Belle Bookstore in Sarawak.
You may also contact the publisher for the book at:
Hi - I would like to download these talks on the Bario Revival - esp the ones by Idris Jala - as I am doing a Sunday School lesson on Idris and his Kelabit tribe and his Christian faith.
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